Filmscreening with orchestra in Dresden
We are thrilled about a very special occasion for a film screening in Dresden! On Monday the 25th of November "This is our Everything" will be shown at the Zentralkino in Dresden at 7pm (Kraftwerk Mitte 16).
Before the film the "Orchestra of Change" will play, who are playing in support to raise awareness about the important issues of climate change and human rights in the film. We feel very honoured to be part of that! After the film there will be a Q&A with the director Frederik Subei.
The event is hosted by the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung. More info here.

Filmfestival screenings in Hessen
We are very happy to be participating at the Globale Mittelhessen Film Festival for Justice! "This is our Everything" will be shown at three occassions.
Sunday the 27th of October at 6pm at Kino Capitol in Marburg. On Monday the 28th of October at 6pm at Jokus - Kommunales Kino in Gießen. These screenings will be attended by the director Frederik Subei for a Q&A after the film. And on Friday the 1st of November at Holz+Technik Museum Wettenberg-Wißmar at 7pm with Christian Russau from FDCL for a Q&A.
More info here.

Amazon and Caribbean International Film Festival
The film is travelling back to South America!
We are honoured to be invited to FIFAC, a festival dedicated to films from and about the Amazon and Caribbean region. In October 2024 "This is our Everything" will have its premiere in Guyana and will be shown in the feature film competition! It's also nice that the film has been prominently featured in the trailer, like you can see here.
More info about the festival and other selected documentary and fictional films can be found here.

Estonia premiere
The film is reaching Estonia! In September/October 2024 it is shown at Matsalu Nature Film Festival alongside an interesting and strong line up of others films with a focus on nature and the environment.
More infos about the festival can be found here.
LETsDOK film screenings
We will be part of this years LETsDOK! The whole of September is dedicated to documentary filmscreenings across Germany.
We are very happy to have the opportunity to show "This is our Everything" for a second time in Hamburg on Monday the 2nd of September at 17:30pm at the Metropolis Cinema. You can get tickets and more info here.
Other screenings are happening at Kultuforum Buxtehude on Thursday the 19th of September at 20:00 and on the 23rd of September at 19:30 at the cinema hotel Meyer in Harsefeld, both in Lower Saxony.

Award winner at International First Peoples Festival in Canada
Fantastic news! "This is our Everything" was part of the Présence Autochtone International First Peoples Festival in August 2024 and won two awards! The second price for the Rigoberta-Menchu Community Award and the Best Documentary Award together with the film "Without Arrows". We feel very honoured to be part of the inspirational festival and to receive the recognition.
More infos about the award winners can be found here.
Berlin premiere
Finally we can present the film in Berlin! On Friday the 9th of August at 18:30 "This is our Everything" will be shown at Freiluftkino Hasenheide. It's a special date because it's the international day of the world's indigenous people.
After the film there will be a film discussion with the NGO Survival International, one of the most important supporters of the Guajajara forest guardians. Also present will be editor and producer Manuel Domes as well as director Frederik Subei. Would be great to see you there! More infos here.

Film Ambiente 2024
We are thrilled to announce that "This is our Everything" will be part of the international feature film competition at the Film Ambiente in Rio de Janeiro in Brasil! Finally the film will have its Brasilian premiere, even at one of the biggest environmental film festivals in Brasil, which takes place from 22-30 of August.
More infos about the festival and other nominated films can be can be found here.
In competition at Natur Vision Film Festival
The Natur Vision Film Festival in Ludwigsburg by Stuttgart has a focus on environmental subjects. We are very happy to be part of two competitions with "This is our Everything", the audience award and the award "Umdenken"! Here you can have a look at all selected films for this years edition.
The film will be shown on Sunday the 21st of July at 4pm at "Kleines Haus" at the Filmtheatre Ludwigsburg. You can get tickets here.

Award winner for Best Documentary in Argentina
We are proud to announce that "This is our Everything" won the award or Best Documentary at the Santiago del Estero Film Fest in Argentina! The film has been awarded together with "El Castillo". It's fantastic to see that the film gains some recognition in South America now!
More information about all winning films and a jury statement can be can be found here...
Film screening in Leipzig
We are coming to Leipzig! On Tuesday the 25th of June at 19:30 "This is our Everything" will have its Leipzig premiere at die NaTo cinema. The film screening is hosted by Cinemateque Leipzig. After the film screening will be a Q&A with the director as well as Viktoria Wölfl from Survival International. The NGO is the biggest supporter of the forest guardians outside of Brazil. If you also like to support the work of the guardians then they would very much appreciate it. All money goes directly to them.
More info about the film screening can be found here.

Mumbai International Film Festival
Now the story of the Guajajara people can also be seen in India! The Indian premiere will be at the Mumbai International Film Festival on the 21st of June 2024.
More info about the festival can be found here...
Santiago del Estero Film Fest Argentina
We are very happy to announce that "This is our Everything" will be shown for the first time in South America! We have the honour to be part of the competition at the fantastic Santiago del Estero Film Fest in Argentina. The film will be shown on 21st of June at 2pm. More information can be found here.

Kino Latino Film Festival in Cologne
We are very happy to announce that "This is our Everything" is coming to Cologne for the Kino Latino Filmfestival! The film will be shown on Saturday the 8th of June at 6pm at Filmhaus Köln in Maybachstr. 111. The director Frederik Subei and editor/producer Manuel Domes will be present for a Q&A afterwards.
Would be great to see you there!
More info about the screening here...

Filmtage Globale Perspektiven
The film is travelling to Frankfurt! We are happy to be part of this years Filmtage Globale Perspektiven. They show current films about the political and social effects of globalization, the causes of flight and migration, human rights and gender equality as well as the effects of climate change. "This is our Everything" will be shown on Wednesday the 15th of May 2024 at 4pm. The director Frederik Subei and editor and producer Manuel Domes will be present for a Q&A afterwards.

Cine Latino Film Festival
We are thrilled that "This is our Everything" will be part of this years Cine Latino Film Festival! The festival is running since more than 25 years and established itself as the most important platform for Spanish and Latin American Cinema in Germany. "This is our Everything" will be shown twice with the director Frederik Subei present at both screenings for a Q&A. We hope to see you there! Here the dates...
Thursday the 2nd of May 2024 in Tübingen at Museum Saal Arsenal at 6pm.
Friday the 3rd of May 2024 in Freiburg at Kommunales Kino at 9:30pm.

UK Premiere at Crossing the Screen Film Festival
Good news! On the 21st of March 2024 "This is our Everything" will have its UK premiere at the Crossing the Screen International Film Festival in Eastbourne in England. The film is part of the documentary film competition and will be shown at 20:15 in the GROVE theatre.
More info about the festival here.

Jury Special Mention at Watch Docs
Fantastic news! "This is our Everything" was awarded with a Jury Special Mention at Watch Docs Film Festival. Here the Jury's verdict:
"We are awarding a special mention to a film about an indigenous community's relationship to the world around them, about the power of that community, and the resolve with which they are trying to defend their environment. For them, the forest is a buffer zone and a barrier; without it, they would not be able to survive. The director has managed to capture the protective feelings of one community for another: even though the two groups do not know much about each other, they are still part of the same complex ecosystem."
More information about the other award winners can be found here.

International Premiere at Watch Docs Human Rights Film Festival in Warswaw
We are very happy to announce that ''This is our Everything" will have its International Premiere at Watch Docs!
The film will be shown in the Green Dog Competition among four other world class films. We are honoured to be part of the strong programme. The film will be shown on Thursday the 7th at 21:00 at Kino Muranow and on Friday the 8th at Kinoteka. The director Frederik Subei and the editor Manual Domes will be present at the screenings. We hope to see you there!

Worldpremiere at Filmfest Hamburg
"This is our Everything" celebrated its world premiere on the 30th of September 2023 at Filmfest Hamburg in the Metroplis Cinema, in the Sektion Hamburger Filmschau! After more than 5 years in the making it was a fantastic experience to present the film to the public. We received an incredible positive feedback. A huge thanks to everybody who came along! We hope that there will be another opportunity for a film screening in Hamburg in the near future.
More information about the screening can be found here.

Nomination for the German Documentary Film Music Award 2023
We are pleased to announce that ''This is our Everything" has been nominated for this years Dok.fest Munich Film Music Award! That shows that composer Ulrich Kodjo Wendt has done a fantastic job with the film music alongside four other musicians: Anne Wiemann (flutes, saxopones), Jogi Jokusch (percussion), Uli Kringler (guitars) and Hagen Kuhr (Cello). Ulrich Kodjo Wendt also played piano, accordeon and cimbalom.
We are very proud to had the pleasure to work with such talented people and a fantastic team with passion for the subject and their art.
Find out more about the other nominated films here.